Admission application

General Study Abroad Admissions
~Students who apply for and obtain a student visa from abroad to enter the school~

1. Eligibility to apply for a student visa

Application requirements for admission
In order to apply for admission to our school, you must meet all of the following requirements
1) Those who have completed or will complete at least 12 years of school education. Those who have completed high school or those who are recognized by the school as having the equivalent academic ability.
2) Applicants must have a strong purpose for studying and have no difficulties in paying for school. Applicants must have a reliable guarantor.

3) Applicants must have passed the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) Level N5, J-TEST (Japanese Language Proficiency Test for Practical Use) Level F, NAT-TEST Level 5 or equivalent. Applicants must have studied Japanese for at least 150 hours.

2.Period of Study

Admission time April admission October admission
Learning period  2 years 1 year 6 months

Admission time April admission October admission
Learning period 2 years or 1 year 6 months

3.Application and Enrollment Procedures
It takes about 6 months to obtain a college student visa. If you would like to apply for a college student visa, please contact our school as soon as possible.

Admission application process

1.Request for application documents

2.Submit the required documents by the deadline

3.Document review, interview, or written test

4.Issuance of admission permit (original copy stored at school)

5.Payment of examination fee 25,000 yen to the academy

6.The school applies for a student visa on behalf of student at the Immigration Bureau

7.Announcement of examination results, issuance of “Certificate of Eligibility”

8.Payment of tuition fees prescribed by the school. Sending “Certificate of Eligibility” and “Admission Certificate” to the applicant

9.Applicant applies for a “study abroad” visa to the local Japanese consulate

10.(Apply in advance for Japanese residences and student dormitories)

11.Enter Japan and receive a residence card at the time of entry

12.Entrance ceremony
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